martedì 23 febbraio 2021

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download: What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? An insulated coil generates a magnetic field that passes unimpeded through skin and bone. The magnetic field induces an electrical current in the neurons. One pulse of the magnetic field can cause visible effects to the motor and visual cortex. Continual magnetic field pulses, known as repetitive TMS or rTMS, can induce unobservable effects [1]. Unlike other electromagnetic stimulation techniques, no contact is required. We’ll get back to why this method is preferable. Like an action potential Such as a hand or leg jerking or a flash of light in the patient’s eyes. Such as inhibiting a brain function [1]

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download: What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? An insulated coil generates a magnetic field that passes unimpeded through skin and bone. The magnetic field induces an electrical current in the neurons. One pulse of the magnetic field can cause visible effects to the motor and visual cortex. Continual magnetic field pulses, known as repetitive TMS or rTMS, can induce unobservable effects [1]. Unlike other electromagnetic stimulation techniques, no contact is required. We’ll get back to why this method is preferable. Like an action potential Such as a hand or leg jerking or a flash of light in the patient’s eyes. Such as inhibiting a brain function [1]

lunedì 22 febbraio 2021

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download: What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? An insulated coil generates a magnetic field that passes unimpeded through skin and bone. The magnetic field induces an electrical current in the neurons. One pulse of the magnetic field can cause visible effects to the motor and visual cortex. Continual magnetic field pulses, known as repetitive TMS or rTMS, can induce unobservable effects [1]. Unlike other electromagnetic stimulation techniques, no contact is required. We’ll get back to why this method is preferable. Like an action potential Such as a hand or leg jerking or a flash of light in the patient’s eyes. Such as inhibiting a brain function [1]

Copyright © 2010 MagVenture - Any kind of reproduction is prohibited Motor Threshold Introduction to MEP Monitor Guideline for performing motor threshold. - ppt download

Copyright © 2010 MagVenture - Any kind of reproduction is prohibited Motor Threshold Introduction to MEP Monitor Guideline for performing motor threshold. - ppt download: MT Background When performing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) the relative intensity or strength of stimulation is often referred to as % of Motor Threshold (MT). MT is a patient specific value for each subject or patient which is demined before the TMS session. When a magnetic coil is discharged over the motor cortex and the discharge energy is over threshold value neurons are activated and the targeted muscles might twitch. MT is regarded as an indicator for the subject ability to respond to TMS or an indicator for the relative cortical excitability. Some patients have a high TMS value other a lower value. In the literature MT is the most common reference measure for stimulation intensity. The visible twitch is associated with an electrical signal from the muscle action or a Motor Evoked Potential (MEP) which can be recorded by surface electrodes connected to an EMG instrument (MEP Monitor). The signal obtained gives information about: Time between the TMS pulse and the onset of TMS (latency time). MT the minimum TMS energy required to evoke a MEP. The size of MEP. TMS Muscle Peripheral Motor Nerve Efferent Electrodes Vertebral column

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download

Comparing Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation & Direct Electric Stimulation: An Application of the Finite Element Method Brandi Henry Mathematics Department, - ppt download: What is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation? An insulated coil generates a magnetic field that passes unimpeded through skin and bone. The magnetic field induces an electrical current in the neurons. One pulse of the magnetic field can cause visible effects to the motor and visual cortex. Continual magnetic field pulses, known as repetitive TMS or rTMS, can induce unobservable effects [1]. Unlike other electromagnetic stimulation techniques, no contact is required. We’ll get back to why this method is preferable. Like an action potential Such as a hand or leg jerking or a flash of light in the patient’s eyes. Such as inhibiting a brain function [1]

venerdì 15 agosto 2008

E allora, dottor Freud, che cos'e' tutta questa nostalgia della Germania?

sic. tutti questi anni. i viaggi ad ogni capo del mondo. per scoprire quello che ho sempre saputo. sono felice solo in Germania. sono contento solo quando parlo tedesco. Punkt.

lunedì 2 giugno 2008

Energia nucleare in Italia e Centrali di Terza Generazione

Sono uno che, se avesse avuto l'eta' (ho 38 anni) avrebbe votato per mantenere il nucleare nell'87.
Ricominciare col nucleare nel 2008 tuttavia e' pura follia.
A confermare questa mia convinzione e' arrivata ieri una chiacchierata con ingegnere nucleare dirigente dell'Ansaldo, ora in pensione. Uno che al nucleare ha dato una vita e dalla chiusura delle centrali in italia ha avuto un bel danno.
In pochi punti, le mie certezze di cui (quasi) nessuno parla:
1. Le centrali non arriveranno a compimento. Lo sanno anche loro. Servono solo a far credere che l'Italia sia ad una svolta e che in futuro le bollette peseranno meno
2. Le centrali nucleari non sono state un chiaro affare per nessuno (il bilancio e' complicatissimo e dipende da costanza e mole degli investimenti). Dopo 50 anni forse la Francia ha un bilancio in attivo ma la verita' e' che il nucleare serviva per giustificare gli armamenti.
3. L'investimento in una forma di energia da parte di uno Stato diventa conveniente se si crea una massa critica (in Germania il solare e' piu' conveniente che da noi malgrado abbiano meno sole per la mole degli investimenti che ha fatto abbassare i costi.
Puntando su un nucleare vecchio (centrali di terza generazione laddove esistono gia' quelle di quarta) si rinuncia per sempre a puntare su energie che costituiscono il futuro. Per davvero.
4. Anche ammesso che con ritardi e sforamenti del budget (nemmeno in Finlandia sono riusciti ad evitarli) le centrali arrivino a compimento, nel 2015-2020 si entrera' in una fase di pre-esaurimento delle scorte di Uranio che rendera' il nucleare antieconomico.
5. Sul tema delle scorie non mi dilungo nemmeno. Basti dire che Berlusca ed i suoi hanno ancora la patata bollente delle scorie di fine anni 80, spedite per ora in Francia per essere trattate. Ma torneranno...